Life lessons from four years in solitary in a South American prison

Most people I know live a vastly different existence now, to what they did when they were younger. Not just from the point of view of being older. But one of being a completely different character. Radically changed by the experiences that life served them, that forced them to grow and develop. Old identities dissolved to create space for new ones to emerge. And for some, the ending of an old identity can hit like a freight train. Tearing us out of our old reality without warning, leaving us very much unprepared for the new life we are about to face.

I met Nick at the @intelligentchange Change summit in Ibiza, earlier this year. We had known of each other for awhile, yet this was the first opportunity we had to connect in person.

Word of his Primal Moves methodology, and his handstand mastery, had passed my ears years earlier. Yet the story of his former life was new to me. And it’s by far one of the more fascinating tales I have ever heard. Not just for the life he once led, but for what it took, to be the man he has now become.


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